The object of this work is to use image analysis on X-Ray images of textile to describe the structures of a textile and compute its permeability. The input is an X-ray image of textile, with a size of 350 x 300 x 110. The void space in the image is first segmented into pores and then converted into a network of pore. This network is then used to run a pore network model and the hydraulic permeability of the textile is computed. The complete process (image analysis and permeability computation) takes a few minutes on a Pentium III 1Ghz computer.

Textile sample:

Sample of the image: gray represents solid part and empty part is transparent. Structure of the void space: green balls represent "pores". blue balls represent interface between pores. Local pressure in the sample. A gradient of pressure is applied between the lower and the upper face.


Threshold study:

Permeability/Threshold value
Permeability/Threshold value
Permeability/Threshold value
Corrected Values (*1.3)
Corrected Image (Z/1.3)

Permeability distribution in the sample:

Permeability distribution along X
Permeability distribution along X-Y
Permeability distribution along X-Y-Z
Sample size: 50*300*115
Sample size: 50*150*115
Sample size: 50*150*50


Relation Permeability/Porosity:

Permeability / Porosity computed for 50*150*50 voxels elements
log/log representation of Permeability/Posority
Log/ representation of Permeability/Porosity


The lower point has a porosity of 0.97 and a Permeability of 9e-27. Here is the 3D representation of the image used to compute that point:

There are almost no connectivity between the upper and lower face.




Segmentation of the yarn space.


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Any comment? idea?

last update: 06.12.2012